The Anatomy of a Smart City
Andy O’Kelly
Chief Architect at eir Business
A smart city sees the use of digital technology and urban big data to deliver a broad range of societal improvements for the citizen by improving control…
StartUp100 Programme Highlight: Fillit
Name of Company: Fillit
Founder & CEO: John Carroll
Tell us about your company!
Founded in 2015, Fillit is a Dublin based startup that challenges people to rethink rentable space by providing an easy to use platform for…
Irish Organisations No Longer Hiding From IT Security
Brian Martin
Head of Strategy & Planning at eir Business
When eir performed in-depth customer research in 2015, it became clear that information security was one of the top investment priorities for enterprise and government…
A Look into DTS StartUp100 Programme
The StartUp100 Programme is an integral part of Dublin Tech Summit and offers burgeoning companies an opportunity to showcase their potential to a wide and varied audience. Daniel Kyne, StartUp100 Programme Manager offers insights into the process…
DTS: An Opportunity for the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs
DTS is drawing closer to its start date and word of mouth couldn't be anymore potent. The excitement looms, as students get ready to hear the world’s most influential people share their industry experience.
The current trend in the air among…
The Evolution of Dublin’s Silicon Docks
What was once a symbol of industrial decline, Dublin’s docklands has become one of the most prosperous areas of the country, a symbol of how far Ireland has come in it’s recovery from the financial crisis of the 2000’s.
Over the past…
Bridging The Gap Between Global Corporations & Startups
The underlying goal both global corporations and startups share is the creation of value for their company, their end consumers, and their specific industry as a whole. However the gap between the two groups of innovators has yet to be closed.…
The Appeal of Dublin as a Location for International Businesses
Dublin - Ireland’s capital city - is one of the world’s most visited cities by tourists far and wide. The home of Guinness, U2 and other internationally recognised icons sees thousands of visitors to its streets every month. Ireland’s…
Gary Vee: The Man Leading The Millennials and Beyond
As a serial investor in some of the world's biggest tech companies such as Snapchat, Facebook, and Uber, Gary Vaynerchuk knows where consumers are going to go before they get there.
Gary Vaynerchuk built his empire on the foundation…
It’s time to take a break before you burnout
French workers are now entitled to “disconnect” from work while at home to decrease the chances of employees suffering burnout.
As of 1st January, French workers employed by companies with 50 or more employees can negotiate when they…