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Neuromarketing: the new CX/UX era

As a result of developments in consumer behavior and neuroscience, a brand new research area has emerged: neuromarketing. After decades of asking customers how they feel about products or services, have we come to the advent of a new CX/UX research…
The evolution of sales
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The Evolution of Sales: 5 Ways Selling is Changing in 2021

The sales industry has transformed immensely over the past year. Discover five trends emerging with the “new sales normal” and how you can empower your team to succeed in today’s digital, fast-paced markets. Over the course of the past…
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Introducing #TheTakeover Blog Series

As 2018 kicks in and we fasten our seatbelts in the run-up to Dublin Tech Week we thought it was no better time than to kick off our brand new #TheTakeover series. A core theme of Dublin Tech Week is community, as it is week-long festival…

Hackathon 2.0 – Stop the Innovation Theatre

Sofie Lindblom, CEO and co-founder of the global innovation platform ideation360 reminds us of some of the key aspects to creating successful events. The world is changing faster than ever but it will probably never change this slowly…
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The Anatomy of a Smart Home

Digital technology is rapidly changing all facets of our lives.  It’s already changed the way we communicate, access information, and control our environment. It’s only a matter of time until it takes over our homes. Smart Homes are an…

Why invest in innovation?

Do you have a minute? Great! Let’s start with zooming out for a moment. We live in a world that is changing faster than ever, and it will probably never change this slow again. Macro forces such as globalization, digitalization and technological…

The Rise of Girl Power in Tech

Day 2 of DTS 2017 was dominated by two things, George or RoboThespian the interactive Robot and ‘Girl Power’   Walking around Dublin's convention centre, it is easy to forget worrying statistics about women in tech or holding positions…

Using our DTS App to maximize your DTS Experience

  With over 200 guest speakers spread out over two full days in one of Europe’s most dynamic cities, Dublin Tech Summit is an occasion you will certainly want to get the most out of. There’s no denying that our smartphones operate…

The Anatomy of a Smart City

  Andy O’Kelly Chief Architect at eir Business @eirBusiness   A smart city sees the use of digital technology and urban big data to deliver a broad range of societal improvements for the citizen by improving control…

The Smart City Opportunity

Jonathan Reichental, Ph.D. CIO, City of Palo Alto @reichental Three million more people move into cities every week Assuming that current trends continue, our future belongs to cities. Already half of all humans on the planet live in cities,…