Getting Around Dublin During DTS

  We’ve told you where to eat. We’ve told you where to drink. And now we want to tell you how to make the most of your time in Dublin. We want to show off our city. Not just to you, but to your colleagues, your friends and your family…


  Mary Ann de Lares Norris, VP EMEA of Oblong Industries, developer of spatial, immersive, and gesture-enabled technologies, explores how businesses can empower their teams and utilise the latest generation of collaboration tools to…

Using our DTS App to maximize your DTS Experience

  With over 200 guest speakers spread out over two full days in one of Europe’s most dynamic cities, Dublin Tech Summit is an occasion you will certainly want to get the most out of. There’s no denying that our smartphones operate…

Digital Health – The Health Operating System

by Roberto Ascione, CEO at Healthware International with the contribution of Gerry Chillè, General Partner at Healthware Labs   During the last 20 years, we have witnessed the transformation of healthcare from an industry firmly…

We need to talk about Big Brother

  Andy O’Kelly Chief Architect @eirBusiness   As our lives become ever more entwined with the digital world – as a workplace, marketplace, source of entertainment and meeting place for friends and family at home and…

Cindy Gallop: Creating Radical & Transformative Change

  "I like to blow shit up. I am the Michael Bay of business." From a career in advertising to a mission in changing the world, Cindy Gallop is a force to be reckoned with. Now Founder and CEO of not one but three organisations, including…

The No. 1 Threat Facing Marketers Today: Too Much Data

by James Parton Director of European Marketing at Twilio @jamesparton   The incredible explosion in software tools available for today’s modern marketer has revolutionised the accountability of the marketing department. Now…

5 Ways Collaboration Tools Give You a Competitive Advantage

by Patricia DuChene Director of International Sales, Wrike   There's a problem in all our companies. In our Wrike Digital Working Report 2016, 58% of UK respondents felt their workload had gone up to some extent, with a fifth stating…

Insider Look at DTS Most Used Apps

Rome was not built in a day. Nor was anything with legacy, for that matter. Rome was built on the combination of time, passion, people and the right tools. Like Rome, any organisation that wishes to flourish needs to know what tools to use…

10 Do’s and Don’ts for LinkedIn Networking

  With the integration of social networking into all aspects of everyday use, LinkedIn is playing an important role in the world of recruitment and entrepreneurship. However knowing how to use the platform is just as important as creating…

The Anatomy of a Smart City

  Andy O’Kelly Chief Architect at eir Business @eirBusiness   A smart city sees the use of digital technology and urban big data to deliver a broad range of societal improvements for the citizen by improving control…

StartUp100 Programme Highlight: Fillit

  Name of Company: Fillit Founder & CEO: John Carroll     Tell us about your company! Founded in 2015, Fillit is a Dublin based startup that challenges people to rethink rentable space by providing an easy to use platform for…