Tag Archive for: eir

We need to talk about Big Brother
Andy O’Kelly
Chief Architect
As our lives become ever more entwined with the digital world – as a workplace, marketplace, source of entertainment and meeting place for friends and family at home and…

The Anatomy of a Smart City
Andy O’Kelly
Chief Architect at eir Business
A smart city sees the use of digital technology and urban big data to deliver a broad range of societal improvements for the citizen by improving control…

Irish Organisations No Longer Hiding From IT Security
Brian Martin
Head of Strategy & Planning at eir Business
When eir performed in-depth customer research in 2015, it became clear that information security was one of the top investment priorities for enterprise and government…

Five Digital Marketing Trends For 2017
Iris Daly
Head of Digital at eir Business
Digital marketing has become a lightning fast world where changes and innovation happen at the speed of light. It's exhilarating and a little overwhelming.…