Are You Ready for the Future of HR Tech?

How do you make the most of an increasingly decentralized and highly mobile workforce? Beyond providing the technological tools for productivity and seamless communication between HQ and satellite offices, company leaders must also cater to the rising demand for flexible working arrangements.

Nimble mobility policies

Changing workforce regulations have always been a constant. What is new is that companies developing an international footprint now have to cover these changes across markets, at an increasingly granular level. Companies must create a mobility policy and working arrangement system that are nimble enough to take into account the individual preferences and priorities of every single employee.

An effective mobility policy enables companies to stay competitive in a global market. Compliance goes well beyond a fair salary. It also covers immigration, employment law, income tax, benefits, relocation, vacation days, bonuses, professional growth expectations, and now remote work.

With the prevalence of remote work, global mobility has expanded from its traditional role of shifting between locations to being an integral element of talent acquisition policies. An effective global mobility policy is all-encompassing: It not only covers remote work arrangements, but it also acts as a differentiator and major perk to attract sought-after talent. It should delineate, in a clear-cut manner, what the company’s possibilities are in terms of flexible working arrangements — including visas, work permits, and taxes. Employers need to provide their potential and existing employees with answers surrounding these issues.

When you can work from anywhere, relocation is a key incentive for job seekers. Companies are now focusing on providing ways to make this possible, and must remain two steps ahead to secure the talent they want and need.

Successful global mobility policies also need constant reassessments. Your policy should reflect the dynamism of the global talent pool, as well as the wants and needs of the global workforce. Learn to delineate what you can offer and what you can’t, and modify the policy as your capacity to offer remote working arrangements grows.

Don’t fall behind: Lead the next HR technology wave


Increasingly global operations and a growing demand for specialized talent require all the help a company can get from HR technology to attract and retain the right people. Tasks for which companies can rely on tech solutions include:

  • Bridge the gaps in upskilling and reskilling
  • Offer continuous training as a company perk
  • Unlock a global talent management capacity
  • Bolster international recruitment

Another rising concern with remote workforces is data security. It requires having the infrastructure in place so that employees’ personal and professional data is not vulnerable to ransomware or other cyberattacks. Remaining in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will also prove essential for seamless business operations and recruitment efforts.

Technological developments around employee health wellness, known as welltech, are also gaining momentum. Companies getting behind this trend will have to walk the walk via the acquisition or implementation of health promotion technologies, behavioral and health status monitoring systems, and insurance packages that cover telehealth and telemedicine systems, among other solutions.

Technological integration of your organization’s HR data will prove essential to getting assertive insights for decision-making. When it comes to managing different locations and regulations while looking to standardize performance metrics, an end-to-end, single dashboard solution for all your international employment needs is the best way to do so.

Offer a unique employee experience to drive retention


Employee retention has never been as important as it is today — the largest talent pool is available to any company with remote work capacity. Today’s ease of remote hiring means that your competitors can easily come for your team members, so providing a great employee experience is paramount for talent retention.

A poor onboarding experience, the lack of remote employee engagement tools, or failing to provide communication tools for your employees’ voices to not only be heard but echoed can prove devastating for retention.

Companies that successfully provide a retention-driving employee experience are those that align remote teams’ work with organizational goals. If everyone is clear as to what their role and objectives are, the company can only benefit and engagement is more likely.

Communicate often, and always listen. Your international teams can move the needle for the company as a whole. Acting upon employee feedback will also go a long way: Employees feel valued when they see progress being made based on their observations. Also, regularly communicating performance and target goals to your team members closes a virtuous feedback loop, from which everyone benefits.

At Globalization Partners, we pride ourselves on offering an end-to-end Global Employment PlatformTM that tackles these key aspects of retention. Our aim is to prepare companies for the future of HR, today. Connect with us and we’ll help you navigate the evolving recruitment and talent retention landscape!